
The Cabare project is divided into five "work packages" that cover the project themes.

Three work packages include technical activities (WP 1, 2 and 3), one work package includes training activities (WP 4) and one work package includes coordination activities (WP 5).
Each of these work packages relates to a theme of the project in line with project objectives and donor requirements.

Work Package 1: Spread of fungal and viral diseases of bananas in banana cultivation zones
• Action 1: Assessment of banana cultivation zones and assessment of parasitic pressure
• Action 2: Assessment of the genetic diversity of pathogen populations
• Action 3: Assessment of mealybug BSV vector species

Work Package 2: Analysis of the health risks of farming banana hybrids
• Action 4: Comparison of the genetic structure of pathogen populations on vulnerable banana and black Sigatoka resistant banana
• Action 5: Effect of varietal resistance on the level of aggressiveness of pathogen populations
• Action 6: Comparison of in-field prevalence levels of BSV species in M. acuminata cultivars and interspecific hybrids from micropropagations or plant debris.

Work Package 3: Sustainable disease control
• Action 7: Assessment of the nutritional status of the hybrid banana plot
• Action 8: Effect of fertilization on the severity of black Sigatoka on new resistant hybrids
• Action 9: Evaluation of the in-field effectiveness of new black Sigatoka-resistant hybrids
• Action 10: Spatial analysis of banana plots in connection with parasite pressure
• Action 11: Evaluation of the effect of spatial arrangement of hybrids in the control of black Sigatoka
• Action 12: Evaluation of different plant production methods in terms of viral risk
• Action 13: Evaluation of the impact of viral infection on banana production (natural hybrids and cultivars)

Work Package 4: Training and knowledge transfer
• Action 14: Training Module on mealybug taxonomy
• Action 15: Training module for identification of black Sigatoka for the Caribbean banana industry and state agencies of Caribbean countries
• Action 16: Training module on methods of virus indexing for the Caribbean banana industry and state agencies of Caribbean countries
• Action 17: Training module on of molecular diagnostic methods for countries free of black Sigatoka disease

Work Package 5: Project coordination, promotion and partner capacity building
• Action 18: Project Steering Committee: launch workshops in Cuba and closing workshops in Guadeloupe
• Action 19: Annual meetings of the Monitoring and Project Coordination Committees
• Action 20: Communication and dissemination of results
• Action 21: Partners capacity building
All activities are performed by the permanent and temporary scientific and administrative personnel.